Quotes of James Moffatt - somelinesforyou

“ In the communities of the faithful, men had to impress upon themselves and upon others what Jesus said and did, for the more convinced they were that he was neither a Jewish pretender nor an unsubstantial deity like one of the deities of the cults, the more urgent it was for them to recall that his words were the rule of their life, and that his actions in history had created their position in the world; they had to think out their faith, to state it against outside criticism, and to teach it within their own circle, instead of being content with it as a mere emotion; they had also to refresh their courage by anticipating the future, which they believed was in the hands of their Lord… ”

- James Moffatt

“ A person's treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character, how they make it and how they spend it. ”

- James Moffatt

“ A person's treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character, how they make it and how they spend it. ”

- James Moffatt

“ A person's treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character, how they make it and how they spend it. ”

- James Moffatt

“ A person's treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character, how they make it and how they spend it. ”

- James Moffatt

“ A person's treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character, how they make it and how they spend it. ”

- James Moffatt

“ A person's treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character, how they make it and how they spend it. ”

- James Moffatt

“ A person's treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character, how they make it and how they spend it. ”

- James Moffatt
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