Quotes of James Martineau - somelinesforyou

“ The scepticism which men affect towards their higher inspirations is often not an honest doubt, but a guilty negligence, and is a sign of narrow mind and defective wisdom. ”

- James Martineau

“ The scepticism which men affect towards their higher inspirations is often not an honest doubt, but a guilty negligence, and is a sign of narrow mind and defective wisdom. ”

- James Martineau

“ The scepticism which men affect towards their higher inspirations is often not an honest doubt, but a guilty negligence, and is a sign of narrow mind and defective wisdom. ”

- James Martineau

“ Religion is no more possible without prayer than poetry without language or music without atmosphere. ”

- James Martineau

“ Religion is no more possible without prayer than poetry without language or music without atmosphere. ”

- James Martineau

“ Grief is only the memory of widowed affections. ”

- James Martineau

“ The pinafore of the child will be more than a match for the frock of the bishop and the surplice of the priest. ”

- James Martineau

“ The pinafore of the child will be more than a match for the frock of the bishop and the surplice of the priest. ”

- James Martineau

“ Grief is only the memory of widowed affections. ”

- James Martineau

“ Religion is no more possible without prayer than poetry without language or music without atmosphere. ”

- James Martineau

“ Religion is no more possible without prayer than poetry without language or music without atmosphere. ”

- James Martineau

“ The pinafore of the child will be more than a match for the frock of the bishop and the surplice of the priest. ”

- James Martineau

“ Religion is no more possible without prayer than poetry without language or music without atmosphere. ”

- James Martineau

“ Religion is no more possible without prayer than poetry without language or music without atmosphere. ”

- James Martineau

“ Religion is no more possible without prayer than poetry without language or music without atmosphere. ”

- James Martineau

“ Religion is no more possible without prayer than poetry without language or music without atmosphere. ”

- James Martineau

“ The pinafore of the child will be more than a match for the frock of the bishop and the surplice of the priest. ”

- James Martineau

“ Religion is no more possible without prayer than poetry without language or music without atmosphere. ”

- James Martineau

“ Religion is no more possible without prayer than poetry without language or music without atmosphere. ”

- James Martineau

“ Every man's highest, nameless though it be, is his 'living God'. ”

- James Martineau

“ Grief is only the memory of widowed affections. ”

- James Martineau

“ Grief is only the memory of widowed affections. ”

- James Martineau
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