Quotes of James Ellroy - somelinesforyou

“ There's a kid or some kids somewhere. I'll never know them. They're particlepuzzlecubing right now. They might be minimisanthropes from Moosefart, Montana. They might be demidystopians from Dogdick, Delaware. They dig my demonic dramas. The metaphysic maims them. They grasp the gravity. They'll duke it out with their demons. They'll serve a surfeit of survival skills. They won't be chronologically crucified. They'll shore up my shit. They'll radically revise it. They'll pass it along. ”

- James Ellroy

“ There's a kid or some kids somewhere. I'll never know them. They're particlepuzzlecubing right now. They might be minimisanthropes from Moosefart, Montana. They might be demidystopians from Dogdick, Delaware. They dig my demonic dramas. The metaphysic maims them. They grasp the gravity. They'll duke it out with their demons. They'll serve a surfeit of survival skills. They won't be chronologically crucified. They'll shore up my shit. They'll radically revise it. They'll pass it along. ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ L.A.: Come on vacation, go home on probation. ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ I have a very intense marriage. ”

- James Ellroy

“ L.A.: Come on vacation, go home on probation. ”

- James Ellroy

“ L.A.: Come on vacation, go home on probation. ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ I have a very intense marriage. ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ Raymond Chandler once wrote that Dashiell Hammett gave murder back to the people who really committed it. ”

- James Ellroy

“ Rock and rollers can get you the youth buzz, and younger people are fanatical readers. ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ L.A.: Come on vacation, go home on probation. ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ Rock and rollers can get you the youth buzz, and younger people are fanatical readers. ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ L.A.: Come on vacation, go home on probation. ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy

“ The 1950s to me is darkness, hidden history, perversion behind most doors waiting to creep out. The 1950s to most people is kitsch and Mickey Mouse watches and all this intolerable stuff… ”

- James Ellroy
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