Quotes of James Augustine - somelinesforyou

“ This shows we're making progress. This is one of the first times we put a team away. Maybe Oregon. But we really made a statement that we want to get better. And we are. ”

- James Augustine

“ It's a whole different atmosphere now. It takes a whole lot of heat off me. They make my job so much easier. ”

- James Augustine

“ Last year, there was a little more pressure. We're more of an underdog. We want to be special and get back to the Final Four. ”

- James Augustine

“ We were a little lackadaisical on defense at first, but winning by 24 points is pretty good. ”

- James Augustine

“ That was probably one of the best offensive exhibitions I've ever seen. Like he said, we had confidence in him and he took care of business. ”

- James Augustine

“ Coach (Weber) always talks about how good of a team we can be. Like, he gave the example of how we beat Georgetown at home, and Georgetown beats Duke. I know it's a home win for us. But I think we're up there with some of the best teams. If we keep winning on the road and showing some character and keeping playing solid basketball, I think we can make a run at it. ”

- James Augustine

“ This shows we're making progress. This is one of the first times we put a team away. Maybe Oregon. But we really made a statement that we want to get better. And we are. ”

- James Augustine

“ It's a whole different atmosphere now. It takes a whole lot of heat off me. They make my job so much easier. ”

- James Augustine

“ It is as painful perhaps to be awakened from a vision as to be born. ”

- James Augustine

“ It is as painful perhaps to be awakened from a vision as to be born. ”

- James Augustine

“ It is as painful perhaps to be awakened from a vision as to be born. ”

- James Augustine

“ It is as painful perhaps to be awakened from a vision as to be born. ”

- James Augustine

“ Last year, there was a little more pressure. We're more of an underdog. We want to be special and get back to the Final Four. ”

- James Augustine

“ It is as painful perhaps to be awakened from a vision as to be born. ”

- James Augustine

“ That was probably one of the best offensive exhibitions I've ever seen. Like he said, we had confidence in him and he took care of business. ”

- James Augustine

“ It's a whole different atmosphere now. It takes a whole lot of heat off me. They make my job so much easier. ”

- James Augustine

“ It's a whole different atmosphere now. It takes a whole lot of heat off me. They make my job so much easier. ”

- James Augustine

“ Last year, there was a little more pressure. We're more of an underdog. We want to be special and get back to the Final Four. ”

- James Augustine

“ It's a whole different atmosphere now. It takes a whole lot of heat off me. They make my job so much easier. ”

- James Augustine

“ It's a whole different atmosphere now. It takes a whole lot of heat off me. They make my job so much easier. ”

- James Augustine

“ It's a whole different atmosphere now. It takes a whole lot of heat off me. They make my job so much easier. ”

- James Augustine
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