Quotes of Jack Charlton - somelinesforyou

“ We never had a huge squad and we never had a great deal of choice. But in many ways that helps because you've got to make do with what you've got. You don't have too many problems about picking the team you just hope that everyone turns up on the day. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ Man United have shops all round the world. It's a big money spinner plus the fact that they change their strip every five minutes. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ Of course it was a method of play you had to change because people get the idea once they have played against you. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ Man United have shops all round the world. It's a big money spinner plus the fact that they change their strip every five minutes. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ Soccer is a man's game, not an outing for mamby-pambies. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ Man United have shops all round the world. It's a big money spinner plus the fact that they change their strip every five minutes. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ We never had a huge squad and we never had a great deal of choice. But in many ways that helps because you've got to make do with what you've got. You don't have too many problems about picking the team you just hope that everyone turns up on the day. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ Man United have shops all round the world. It's a big money spinner plus the fact that they change their strip every five minutes. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ We never had a huge squad and we never had a great deal of choice. But in many ways that helps because you've got to make do with what you've got. You don't have too many problems about picking the team you just hope that everyone turns up on the day. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ Soccer is a man's game, not an outing for mamby-pambies. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ Man United have shops all round the world. It's a big money spinner plus the fact that they change their strip every five minutes. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ Man United have shops all round the world. It's a big money spinner plus the fact that they change their strip every five minutes. ”

- Jack Charlton

“ Man United have shops all round the world. It's a big money spinner plus the fact that they change their strip every five minutes. ”

- Jack Charlton
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