Quotes of Jack Brooks - somelinesforyou

“ When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore! ”

- Jack Brooks

“ I think that there was a substantial shadow government trying to run foreign affairs for the United States. ”

- Jack Brooks

“ I think that there was a substantial shadow government trying to run foreign affairs for the United States. ”

- Jack Brooks

“ I think that there was a substantial shadow government trying to run foreign affairs for the United States. ”

- Jack Brooks

“ I think that there was a substantial shadow government trying to run foreign affairs for the United States. ”

- Jack Brooks

“ I think that there was a substantial shadow government trying to run foreign affairs for the United States. ”

- Jack Brooks

“ I think that there was a substantial shadow government trying to run foreign affairs for the United States. ”

- Jack Brooks

“ I think that there was a substantial shadow government trying to run foreign affairs for the United States. ”

- Jack Brooks

“ I think that there was a substantial shadow government trying to run foreign affairs for the United States. ”

- Jack Brooks

“ I think that there was a substantial shadow government trying to run foreign affairs for the United States. ”

- Jack Brooks
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