Quotes of Jack Anderson - somelinesforyou

“ People are astounded to know that 45,000 doctors' offices nationwide do surgery in their offices, but only 2,000 are accredited. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ I don't like to hurt people, I really don't like it at all. But in order to get a red light at the intersection, you sometimes have to have an accident. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ It's my father's legacy. My father's view was that the public is the employer of these government employees and has the right to know what they're up to. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ The incestuous relationship between government and big business thrives in the dark. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ That's a great team we lost to. It just wasn't our day. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ It's my father's legacy. My father's view was that the public is the employer of these government employees and has the right to know what they're up to. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ It's my father's legacy. My father's view was that the public is the employer of these government employees and has the right to know what they're up to. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ I don't like to hurt people, I really don't like it at all. But in order to get a red light at the intersection, you sometimes have to have an accident. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ I don't like to hurt people, I really don't like it at all. But in order to get a red light at the intersection, you sometimes have to have an accident. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ It's my father's legacy. My father's view was that the public is the employer of these government employees and has the right to know what they're up to. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ I don't like to hurt people, I really don't like it at all. But in order to get a red light at the intersection, you sometimes have to have an accident. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ The police chief works directly for the city manager, who works for the city council, so there is a direct line between city council goals for public safety and the law enforcement and safety professionals who carry out those goals. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ I don't like to hurt people, I really don't like it at all. But in order to get a red light at the intersection, you sometimes have to have an accident. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ The insurance industry communicates through codes and check-off boxes. If there's no check-off box for you, you don't exist. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ That's a great team we lost to. It just wasn't our day. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ The insurance industry communicates through codes and check-off boxes. If there's no check-off box for you, you don't exist. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ The insurance industry communicates through codes and check-off boxes. If there's no check-off box for you, you don't exist. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ The insurance industry communicates through codes and check-off boxes. If there's no check-off box for you, you don't exist. ”

- Jack Anderson

“ It's my father's legacy. My father's view was that the public is the employer of these government employees and has the right to know what they're up to. ”

- Jack Anderson
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