Quotes of J. M. Coetzee - somelinesforyou

“ Schmerz ist Wahrheit; alles andere wird angezweifelt. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Die Wahrheit wird nicht im Zorn gesprochen. Die Wahrheit, wenn sie denn gesprochen wird, wird im Geist der Liebe gesprochen. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Die Sache mit dem Sündenbock funktionierte wirklich, als noch religiöse Kraft dahinterstand. Man lud dem Ziegenbock die Sünden der Stadt auf und trieb ihn hinaus, und die Stadt war gereinigt. Es funktionierte, weil alle, einschließlich der Götter, wussten, wie das Ritual zu verstehen war. Dann starben die Götter, und plötzlich musste man die Stadt ohne göttliche Hilfe reinigen. Statt Symbolen waren richtige Taten gefragt. Der Zensor war geboren, im römischen Sinn. Wachsamkeit hieß die Parole: Die Wachsamkeit aller allen gegenüber. Reinigung wurde ersetzt durch Säuberungsaktionen. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ A woman's beauty does not belong to her alone. It is part of the bounty she brings into the world. She has a duty to share it. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ I am spoken to not in words, which come to me quaint and veiled, but in signs, in conformations of face and hands, in postures of shoulders and feet, in nuances of tune and tone, in gaps and absences whose grammar has never been recorded. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ A woman's beauty does not belong to her alone. It is part of the bounty she brings into the world. She has a duty to share it. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ One day some as yet unborn scholar will recognize in the clock the machine that has tamed the wilds. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Words come reluctantly to me, they clatter in my mouth and tumble out heavily like stones. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Words come reluctantly to me, they clatter in my mouth and tumble out heavily like stones. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ A woman's beauty does not belong to her alone. It is part of the bounty she brings into the world. She has a duty to share it. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Should philosophers be expected to change the world? Such an expectation seems to me extravagant. Marx himself didn't change the world: he reinterpreted it, then other people changed it. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Should philosophers be expected to change the world? Such an expectation seems to me extravagant. Marx himself didn't change the world: he reinterpreted it, then other people changed it. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ One day some as yet unborn scholar will recognize in the clock the machine that has tamed the wilds. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ I am spoken to not in words, which come to me quaint and veiled, but in signs, in conformations of face and hands, in postures of shoulders and feet, in nuances of tune and tone, in gaps and absences whose grammar has never been recorded. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ A woman's beauty does not belong to her alone. It is part of the bounty she brings into the world. She has a duty to share it. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Words come reluctantly to me, they clatter in my mouth and tumble out heavily like stones. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Sleep is no longer a healing bath, a recuperation of vital forces, but an oblivion, a nightly brush with annihilation. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ I am spoken to not in words, which come to me quaint and veiled, but in signs, in conformations of face and hands, in postures of shoulders and feet, in nuances of tune and tone, in gaps and absences whose grammar has never been recorded. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ It is a world of words that creates a world of things. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Words come reluctantly to me, they clatter in my mouth and tumble out heavily like stones. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Words come reluctantly to me, they clatter in my mouth and tumble out heavily like stones. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ A woman's beauty does not belong to her alone. It is part of the bounty she brings into the world. She has a duty to share it. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ A woman's beauty does not belong to her alone. It is part of the bounty she brings into the world. She has a duty to share it. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ A woman's beauty does not belong to her alone. It is part of the bounty she brings into the world. She has a duty to share it. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ I am spoken to not in words, which come to me quaint and veiled, but in signs, in conformations of face and hands, in postures of shoulders and feet, in nuances of tune and tone, in gaps and absences whose grammar has never been recorded. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Words come reluctantly to me, they clatter in my mouth and tumble out heavily like stones. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Words come reluctantly to me, they clatter in my mouth and tumble out heavily like stones. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Sleep is no longer a healing bath, a recuperation of vital forces, but an oblivion, a nightly brush with annihilation. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ Reason is simply a vast tautology. ”

- J. M. Coetzee

“ A woman's beauty does not belong to her alone. It is part of the bounty she brings into the world. She has a duty to share it. ”

- J. M. Coetzee
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