Quotes of J. Askenberg - somelinesforyou

“ You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out, but you gotta suit up for them all. ”

- J. Askenberg

“ You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out, but you gotta suit up for them all. ”

- J. Askenberg

“ You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out, but you gotta suit up for them all. ”

- J. Askenberg

“ You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out, but you gotta suit up for them all. ”

- J. Askenberg

“ You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out, but you gotta suit up for them all. ”

- J. Askenberg

“ You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out, but you gotta suit up for them all. ”

- J. Askenberg

“ You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out, but you gotta suit up for them all. ”

- J. Askenberg
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