Quotes of Isaac Taylor - somelinesforyou

“ A man of meditation is happy, not for an hour or a day, but quite round the circle of all his years. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ A man of meditation is happy, not for an hour or a day, but quite round the circle of all his years. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ A man of meditation is happy, not for an hour or a day, but quite round the circle of all his years. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ The man of meditation is happy, not for an hour or a day, but quite round the circle of his years. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ Sympathy is as lightning; it is quick as thought; it waits not to make its selections; it is irrespective of considerations, and of partialities, and of tastes, and of cold prudence. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ Logic is the art of thinking well; the mind, like the body, requires to be trained before it can use its powers in the most advantageous way. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ A man of meditation is happy, not for an hour or a day, but quite round the circle of all his years. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ The man of meditation is happy, not for an hour or a day, but quite round the circle of his years. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ Sympathy is as lightning; it is quick as thought; it waits not to make its selections; it is irrespective of considerations, and of partialities, and of tastes, and of cold prudence. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ Logic is the art of thinking well; the mind, like the body, requires to be trained before it can use its powers in the most advantageous way. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ A man of meditation is happy, not for an hour or a day, but quite round the circle of all his years. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ A man of meditation is happy, not for an hour or a day, but quite round the circle of all his years. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ A man of meditation is happy, not for an hour or a day, but quite round the circle of all his years. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ Logic is the art of thinking well; the mind, like the body, requires to be trained before it can use its powers in the most advantageous way. ”

- Isaac Taylor

“ Sympathy is as lightning; it is quick as thought; it waits not to make its selections; it is irrespective of considerations, and of partialities, and of tastes, and of cold prudence. ”

- Isaac Taylor
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