Quotes of Ilham Aliyev - somelinesforyou

“ Before, they used to tell you who to vote for, but not this time,... The management of the elections is better today. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ The idea that we should negotiate pipeline routes through Armenia in exchange for Armenia militarily freeing our territories is simply not a wise strategy. I'm against it. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ The other side must know that Azerbaijan is capable of securing its territorial integrity through war. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ The idea that we should negotiate pipeline routes through Armenia in exchange for Armenia militarily freeing our territories is simply not a wise strategy. I'm against it. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ The idea that we should negotiate pipeline routes through Armenia in exchange for Armenia militarily freeing our territories is simply not a wise strategy. I'm against it. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ The idea that we should negotiate pipeline routes through Armenia in exchange for Armenia militarily freeing our territories is simply not a wise strategy. I'm against it. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ Before, they used to tell you who to vote for, but not this time,... The management of the elections is better today. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ Before, they used to tell you who to vote for, but not this time,... The management of the elections is better today. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ The idea that we should negotiate pipeline routes through Armenia in exchange for Armenia militarily freeing our territories is simply not a wise strategy. I'm against it. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ Before, they used to tell you who to vote for, but not this time,... The management of the elections is better today. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ The election will be conducted in a calm manner and the Azerbaijani society will remain stable. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ The idea that we should negotiate pipeline routes through Armenia in exchange for Armenia militarily freeing our territories is simply not a wise strategy. I'm against it. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ The idea that we should negotiate pipeline routes through Armenia in exchange for Armenia militarily freeing our territories is simply not a wise strategy. I'm against it. ”

- Ilham Aliyev

“ Before, they used to tell you who to vote for, but not this time,... The management of the elections is better today. ”

- Ilham Aliyev
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