Quotes of Hisham Fawzi - somelinesforyou

“ when you wait to be praised by others; when you wait to be valued by others; when you wait to be welcomed by others; when you wait to be loved by others, then ask yourself who are you to others!? Well, you will find that the simplest answer is that you are NOTHING to others and NOTHING to your own self. Your goal in life is to live your own life and create your own destiny and not to live other peoples' lives and their own destiny and for sure not their own tastes and feelings. ”

- Hisham Fawzi

“ when you wait to be praised by others; when you wait to be valued by others; when you wait to be welcomed by others; when you wait to be loved by others, then ask yourself who are you to others!? Well, you will find that the simplest answer is that you are NOTHING to others and NOTHING to your own self. Your goal in life is to live your own life and create your own destiny and not to live other peoples' lives and their own destiny and for sure not their own tastes and feelings. ”

- Hisham Fawzi

“ To always win, you always need to be hungry! ”

- Hisham Fawzi

“ He asked me: why you are not patient?, I answered: I am very patient just I am at war against time ”

- Hisham Fawzi

“ A professor once told me: Sir, you are insane! In which I replied: Sir, I am just eccentrically very normal ! ”

- Hisham Fawzi

“ A recipe for success: 1) Believe in God and his power 2) Believe in your own self 3) Genuinely be honest with your own self 4) Never ever depend on anybody except your own self. 5) Never ever give a damn on anybody’s opinion about you and/ or what you are doing; remember you are not here to live other people’s life; you are here to create your own special one. 6) last but not least, never forget that who allowed you to cherish and succeed is the same one who can take it away from you in a heart beat, so always be humble, grateful, and respectable to this fact. ”

- Hisham Fawzi

“ Selfaffirmation is the line drawn between success and failure ”

- Hisham Fawzi

“ stay hungry my friends ..... and you will conquer what you think is impossible !!! ”

- Hisham Fawzi

“ I rather be wrong sometimes than being fouled by others all the times ”

- Hisham Fawzi

“ foodforthoughts when you wait to be praised by others, when you wait to be valued by others, when you wait to be welcomed by others, when you wait to be loved by others, When you become a reaction to other people actions, then ask yourself who are you to others!? Well, you will find that the simplest answer is that you are NOTHING to others and NOTHING to your own self :( Your goal in life is to live your own life and create your own destiny and not to live other peoples' lives and their own destiny and for sure not their own tastes and feelings. ”

- Hisham Fawzi

“ How it is possible to learn anything if you you feel that you know everything ”

- Hisham Fawzi
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