Quotes of Hirokichi Yoshiyama - somelinesforyou

“ People at my stage of life are apt to cherish the past and be pessimistic about the future. But when I meet energetic young people who are making wonderful contributions to the communities, I feel rejuvenated and full of hope and trust in the future. ”

- Hirokichi Yoshiyama

“ People at my stage of life are apt to cherish the past and be pessimistic about the future. But when I meet energetic young people who are making wonderful contributions to the communities, I feel rejuvenated and full of hope and trust in the future. ”

- Hirokichi Yoshiyama

“ People at my stage of life are apt to cherish the past and be pessimistic about the future. But when I meet energetic young people who are making wonderful contributions to the communities, I feel rejuvenated and full of hope and trust in the future. ”

- Hirokichi Yoshiyama

“ People at my stage of life are apt to cherish the past and be pessimistic about the future. But when I meet energetic young people who are making wonderful contributions to the communities, I feel rejuvenated and full of hope and trust in the future. ”

- Hirokichi Yoshiyama

“ People at my stage of life are apt to cherish the past and be pessimistic about the future. But when I meet energetic young people who are making wonderful contributions to the communities, I feel rejuvenated and full of hope and trust in the future. ”

- Hirokichi Yoshiyama

“ People at my stage of life are apt to cherish the past and be pessimistic about the future. But when I meet energetic young people who are making wonderful contributions to the communities, I feel rejuvenated and full of hope and trust in the future. ”

- Hirokichi Yoshiyama

“ People at my stage of life are apt to cherish the past and be pessimistic about the future. But when I meet energetic young people who are making wonderful contributions to the communities, I feel rejuvenated and full of hope and trust in the future. ”

- Hirokichi Yoshiyama
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