Quotes of Henry Hudson - somelinesforyou

“ This land may be profitable to those that will adventure it. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ A sea setting us upon the ice has brought us close to danger. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ The right of political expression does not include an unfettered right to control the composition of one's audience. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ I used all diligence to arrive at London and therefore I now gave my crew a certificate under my hand, of my free and willing return, without persuasion or force by any one or more of them. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ I used all diligence to arrive at London and therefore I now gave my crew a certificate under my hand, of my free and willing return, without persuasion or force by any one or more of them. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ With regard to the northern passage, your majesty might undertake the search openly, and in your majesty's name, as a glorious enterprise. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ A sea setting us upon the ice has brought us close to danger. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ With regard to the northern passage, your majesty might undertake the search openly, and in your majesty's name, as a glorious enterprise. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ On our coming into the house, two mats were spread our to sit upon, and some food was immediately served in well-made red wooden bowls. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ The right of political expression does not include an unfettered right to control the composition of one's audience. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ With regard to the northern passage, your majesty might undertake the search openly, and in your majesty's name, as a glorious enterprise. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ On our coming into the house, two mats were spread our to sit upon, and some food was immediately served in well-made red wooden bowls. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ These I saw there, in a house well constructed of oak bark, and circular in shape, so that it had the appearance of being built with an arched roof. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ A sea setting us upon the ice has brought us close to danger. ”

- Henry Hudson

“ These I saw there, in a house well constructed of oak bark, and circular in shape, so that it had the appearance of being built with an arched roof. ”

- Henry Hudson
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