Quotes of Henry A. Rosso - somelinesforyou

“ People who give are rewarded, not monetarily, but because their involvement represents an expression beyond themselves. ”

- Henry A. Rosso

“ Fundraising is not a right — it is a privilege and we must always honor it as such. ”

- Henry A. Rosso

“ Giving is a privilege that fills the heart with joy. ”

- Henry A. Rosso

“ People who give are rewarded, not monetarily, but because their involvement represents an expression beyond themselves. ”

- Henry A. Rosso

“ People who give are rewarded, not monetarily, but because their involvement represents an expression beyond themselves. ”

- Henry A. Rosso

“ Giving is more a dictate of the heart than a command of the brain. ”

- Henry A. Rosso

“ Fundraising is not a right — it is a privilege and we must always honor it as such. ”

- Henry A. Rosso

“ Giving is a privilege that fills the heart with joy. ”

- Henry A. Rosso

“ People who give are rewarded, not monetarily, but because their involvement represents an expression beyond themselves. ”

- Henry A. Rosso

“ People who give are rewarded, not monetarily, but because their involvement represents an expression beyond themselves. ”

- Henry A. Rosso
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