Quotes of Helena Christensen - somelinesforyou

“ To tell you the truth, I've never weighed myself. When somebody asks me my statistics or whatever I honestly don't know. ”

- Helena Christensen

“ I was the first f****** hippy to enter this business, you know... I was one of the first girls to say I don't give a f*** about this whole supermodel thing. ”

- Helena Christensen

“ I was the first f****** hippy to enter this business, you know... I was one of the first girls to say I don't give a f*** about this whole supermodel thing. ”

- Helena Christensen

“ In modelling, there is no point in trying to prove you have a brain, so why even bother? I'd sooner save the energy for something more meaningful. ”

- Helena Christensen

“ I was the first f****** hippy to enter this business, you know... I was one of the first girls to say I don't give a f*** about this whole supermodel thing. ”

- Helena Christensen

“ In modelling, there is no point in trying to prove you have a brain, so why even bother? I'd sooner save the energy for something more meaningful. ”

- Helena Christensen

“ To tell you the truth, I've never weighed myself. When somebody asks me my statistics or whatever I honestly don't know. ”

- Helena Christensen

“ To tell you the truth, I've never weighed myself. When somebody asks me my statistics or whatever I honestly don't know. ”

- Helena Christensen

“ In modelling, there is no point in trying to prove you have a brain, so why even bother? I'd sooner save the energy for something more meaningful. ”

- Helena Christensen
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