Quotes of Harvey Steiman - somelinesforyou

“ The best way to learn about wine is to uncork a few bottles and start sampling. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Wine is a social beverage, best appreciated with friends and family. It makes dinner more civilized. It slows us down a little, gives us something special to add to the moment. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Everything in moderation — including moderation. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Everything in moderation — including moderation. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Wine is a social beverage, best appreciated with friends and family. It makes dinner more civilized. It slows us down a little, gives us something special to add to the moment. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ If the wine is good, a bad match will not destroy dinner. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Everything in moderation — including moderation. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Wine is a social beverage, best appreciated with friends and family. It makes dinner more civilized. It slows us down a little, gives us something special to add to the moment. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ If the wine is good, a bad match will not destroy dinner. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Everything in moderation — including moderation. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ The best way to learn about wine is to uncork a few bottles and start sampling. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ The best way to learn about wine is to uncork a few bottles and start sampling. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Everything in moderation — including moderation. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Everything in moderation — including moderation. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Everything in moderation — including moderation. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ If the wine is good, a bad match will not destroy dinner. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ If the wine is good, a bad match will not destroy dinner. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Wine is a social beverage, best appreciated with friends and family. It makes dinner more civilized. It slows us down a little, gives us something special to add to the moment. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Everything in moderation — including moderation. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ The best way to learn about wine is to uncork a few bottles and start sampling. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Wine is a social beverage, best appreciated with friends and family. It makes dinner more civilized. It slows us down a little, gives us something special to add to the moment. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ If the wine is good, a bad match will not destroy dinner. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ The best way to learn about wine is to uncork a few bottles and start sampling. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Wine is a social beverage, best appreciated with friends and family. It makes dinner more civilized. It slows us down a little, gives us something special to add to the moment. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ If the wine is good, a bad match will not destroy dinner. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Everything in moderation — including moderation. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ The best way to learn about wine is to uncork a few bottles and start sampling. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Everything in moderation — including moderation. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Everything in moderation — including moderation. ”

- Harvey Steiman

“ Wine is a social beverage, best appreciated with friends and family. It makes dinner more civilized. It slows us down a little, gives us something special to add to the moment. ”

- Harvey Steiman
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