Quotes of Harold Brodkey - somelinesforyou

“ Remember that stardom is more than ability or will, although will is a large part of it. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Athletes have studied how to leap and how to survive the leap some of the time and return to the ground. They don't always do it well. But they are our philosophers of actual moments and the body and soul in them, and of our maneuvers in our emergencies and longings. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ I have thousands of opinions still, but that is down from millions, and as always, I know nothing. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Remember that stardom is more than ability or will, although will is a large part of it. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Remember that stardom is more than ability or will, although will is a large part of it. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Athletes have studied how to leap and how to survive the leap some of the time and return to the ground. They don't always do it well. But they are our philosophers of actual moments and the body and soul in them, and of our maneuvers in our emergencies and longings. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Athletes have studied how to leap and how to survive the leap some of the time and return to the ground. They don't always do it well. But they are our philosophers of actual moments and the body and soul in them, and of our maneuvers in our emergencies and longings. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Remember that stardom is more than ability or will, although will is a large part of it. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Athletes have studied how to leap and how to survive the leap some of the time and return to the ground. They don't always do it well. But they are our philosophers of actual moments and the body and soul in them, and of our maneuvers in our emergencies and longings. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Remember that stardom is more than ability or will, although will is a large part of it. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Remember that stardom is more than ability or will, although will is a large part of it. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Athletes have studied how to leap and how to survive the leap some of the time and return to the ground. They don't always do it well. But they are our philosophers of actual moments and the body and soul in them, and of our maneuvers in our emergencies and longings. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ I have thousands of opinions still, but that is down from millions, and as always, I know nothing. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Athletes have studied how to leap and how to survive the leap some of the time and return to the ground. They don't always do it well. But they are our philosophers of actual moments and the body and soul in them, and of our maneuvers in our emergencies and longings. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Athletes have studied how to leap and how to survive the leap some of the time and return to the ground. They don't always do it well. But they are our philosophers of actual moments and the body and soul in them, and of our maneuvers in our emergencies and longings. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Remember that stardom is more than ability or will, although will is a large part of it. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Remember that stardom is more than ability or will, although will is a large part of it. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Remember that stardom is more than ability or will, although will is a large part of it. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ Athletes have studied how to leap and how to survive the leap some of the time and return to the ground. They don't always do it well. But they are our philosophers of actual moments and the body and soul in them, and of our maneuvers in our emergencies and longings. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ I have thousands of opinions still, but that is down from millions, and as always, I know nothing. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ I have thousands of opinions still, but that is down from millions, and as always, I know nothing. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ I have thousands of opinions still, but that is down from millions, and as always, I know nothing. ”

- Harold Brodkey

“ I have thousands of opinions still, but that is down from millions, and as always, I know nothing. ”

- Harold Brodkey
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