Quotes of Guy Gavriel Kay - somelinesforyou

“ It was, Jelena though, another kind of arrogance to believe you could understand the way the world was made. It could not be done, there was too much. You needed to be open to it, though, to what your life gave you and demanded. ”

- Guy Gavriel Kay

“ We worship…the powers that speak to our souls, if it seems they do. We do so knowing there is more to the world, and the halfworld, and perhaps worlds beyond, than we can grasp. We always knew that. We can’t even stop children from dying, how would we presume to understand the truth of things? Behind things? Does the presence of one power deny another? [p. 176] ”

- Guy Gavriel Kay

“ Eanna love us, Adaon preserve us, Morian guard our souls. ”

- Guy Gavriel Kay

“ My youngest brother had a wonderful schtick from some time in high school, through to graduating medicine. He had a card in his wallet that read, ‘If I am found with amnesia, please give me the following books to read …’ And it listed half a dozen books where he longed to recapture that first glorious sense of needing to find out ‘what happens next’ … the feeling that keeps you up half the night. The feeling that comes before the plot’s been learned. ”

- Guy Gavriel Kay

“ My youngest brother had a wonderful schtick from some time in high school, through to graduating medicine. He had a card in his wallet that read, ‘If I am found with amnesia, please give me the following books to read …’ And it listed half a dozen books where he longed to recapture that first glorious sense of needing to find out ‘what happens next’ … the feeling that keeps you up half the night. The feeling that comes before the plot’s been learned. ”

- Guy Gavriel Kay

“ We are the total of our longings. ”

- Guy Gavriel Kay

“ We are the total of our longings. ”

- Guy Gavriel Kay

“ We are the total of our longings. ”

- Guy Gavriel Kay

“ We are the total of our longings. ”

- Guy Gavriel Kay
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