Quotes of Gray Davis - somelinesforyou

“ For years, Richard Riordan funded the anti-abortion movement, supported anti-choice candidates and even called abortion murder. Now he says he's pro-choice. ”

- Gray Davis

“ For years, Richard Riordan funded the anti-abortion movement, supported anti-choice candidates and even called abortion murder. Now he says he's pro-choice. ”

- Gray Davis

“ The great thing about California is, in every natural disaster we all work together... we're all pulling in the same direction, trying to get people through the day. ”

- Gray Davis

“ I don't have any specific advice for the congressman. What he should or shouldn't do are matters best left to him and his constituents. ”

- Gray Davis

“ A family is a family not because of gender but because of values, like commitment, trust and love. ”

- Gray Davis

“ One thing that has become clear over the last several days is that we no longer have 135 choices to make,... It's really one choice likely to emerge from question number two, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and that leaves the voters with a clear choice. They can retain Gray Davis as governor, or they can elect Arnold Schwarzenegger and his crew from Pete Wilson to run the governor's office. ”

- Gray Davis

“ The great thing about California is, in every natural disaster we all work together... we're all pulling in the same direction, trying to get people through the day. ”

- Gray Davis

“ I expect these bids on long-term energy contracts should stabilize the market and drive the price of electricity down. This is a key step in our efforts to keep the lights on in California at a reasonable price. ”

- Gray Davis

“ If the news events over the last couple days have raised any doubts in your mind about the wisdom of electing Arnold Schwarzenegger, I say to you, 'Come home, vote no on the recall.'. ”

- Gray Davis

“ One thing that has become clear over the last several days is that we no longer have 135 choices to make,... It's really one choice likely to emerge from question number two, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and that leaves the voters with a clear choice. They can retain Gray Davis as governor, or they can elect Arnold Schwarzenegger and his crew from Pete Wilson to run the governor's office. ”

- Gray Davis

“ A family is a family not because of gender but because of values, like commitment, trust and love. ”

- Gray Davis

“ They want to get rid of me to get rid of the progress,... terminate the 'Terminator'. ”

- Gray Davis

“ I don't have any specific advice for the congressman. What he should or shouldn't do are matters best left to him and his constituents. ”

- Gray Davis

“ One thing that has become clear over the last several days is that we no longer have 135 choices to make,... It's really one choice likely to emerge from question number two, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and that leaves the voters with a clear choice. They can retain Gray Davis as governor, or they can elect Arnold Schwarzenegger and his crew from Pete Wilson to run the governor's office. ”

- Gray Davis

“ I don't have any specific advice for the congressman. What he should or shouldn't do are matters best left to him and his constituents. ”

- Gray Davis

“ The great thing about California is, in every natural disaster we all work together... we're all pulling in the same direction, trying to get people through the day. ”

- Gray Davis

“ My most important priority is to restore our schools to greatness. ”

- Gray Davis

“ One thing that has become clear over the last several days is that we no longer have 135 choices to make,... It's really one choice likely to emerge from question number two, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and that leaves the voters with a clear choice. They can retain Gray Davis as governor, or they can elect Arnold Schwarzenegger and his crew from Pete Wilson to run the governor's office. ”

- Gray Davis

“ A family is a family not because of gender but because of values, like commitment, trust and love. ”

- Gray Davis
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