Quotes of Gordon Atkinson - somelinesforyou

“ This isn't good or bad. It's just the way of things. Nothing stays the same. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ There isn’t much better in this life than finding a way to spend a few hours in conversation with people you respect and love. You have to carve this time out of your life because you aren’t really living without it. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ Dignity comes not from control, but from understanding who you are and taking your rightful place in the world. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ And so faith is closing your eyes and following the breath of your soul down to the bottom of life, where existence and nonexistence have merged into irrelevance. All that matters is the little part you play in the vast drama. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ God, I don’t have great faith, but I can be faithful. My belief in you may be seasonal, but my faithfulness will not. I will follow in the way of Christ. I will act as though my life and the lives of others matter. I will love. I have no greater gift to offer than my life. Take it. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ The universe seems wondrous to me, with or without God. It has powerful lines and uncompromising ways. Patience and time sit like sages on the planets, strong and impersonal. There is a stark beauty to all of this. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ We think having faith means being convinced God exists in the same way we are convinced a chair exists. People who cannot be completely convinced of God’s existence think faith is impossible for them. Not so. People who doubt can have great faith because faith is something you do, not something you think. In fact, the greater your doubt the more heroic your faith. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ Forgiveness does not always lead to a healed relationship. Some people are not capable of love, and it might be wise to let them go along with your anger. Wish them well, and let them go their way. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ Forgiveness is the healing of wounds caused by another. You choose to let go of a past wrong and no longer be hurt by it. Forgiveness is a strong move to make, like turning your shoulders sideways to walk quickly on a crowded sidewalk. It's your move. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ It really doesn't matter if the person who hurt you deserves to be forgiven. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. You have things to do and you want to move on. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ No one forgives with more grace and love than a child. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ There isn’t much better in this life than finding a way to spend a few hours in conversation with people you respect and love. You have to carve this time out of your life because you aren’t really living without it. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ When someone allows you to bear his burdens, you have found deep friendship. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ You can forget a lot of things, but you cannot forget a woman’s name and claim to love her. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ Doubting God's existence is okay and perfectly acceptable within Christianity as long as the person doubting remains obedient and committed to the Christian path. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ EVERY path may lead you to God, even the weird ones. Most of us are on a journey. We’re looking for something, though we’re not always sure what that is. The way is foggy much of the time. I suggest you slow down and follow some of the side roads that appear suddenly in the mist. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ I’m searching through all that has ever been hoped, in praise of what can never be known. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ When someone is giving you their theology, their God words, you should listen hard and be very gentle. The time to deliver your God words is when you are asked. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ Integrity combined with faithfulness is a powerful force and worthy of great respect. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ I believe love is primarily a choice and only sometimes a feeling. If you want to feel love, choose to love and be patient. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ I don’t think anyone can DO anything that would make him worthy of love. Love is a gift and cannot be earned. It can only be given. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ You can't love anyone until you understand that you can't love everyone. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ You can pray for someone even if you don't think God exists. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ When life seems chaotic, you don't need people giving you easy answers or cheap promises. There might not be any answers to your problems. What you need is a safe place where you can bounce with people who have taken some bad hops of their own. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ When you really trust someone, you have to be okay with not understanding some things. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ I have been truthful all along the way. The truth is more interesting, and if you tell the truth you never have to cover your tracks. ”

- Gordon Atkinson

“ When you really trust someone, you have to be okay with not understanding some things. ”

- Gordon Atkinson
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