Quotes of Gertrude Atherton - somelinesforyou

“ The amusements of life, he argued, should be accepted with the same philosophy as its ills. ("The Striding Place") ”

- Gertrude Atherton

“ To put a tempting face aside when duty demands every faculty is a lesson which takes most men longest to learn. ”

- Gertrude Atherton

“ To put a tempting face aside when duty demands every faculty is a lesson which takes most men longest to learn. ”

- Gertrude Atherton

“ Success is a great healer. ”

- Gertrude Atherton

“ To put a tempting face aside when duty demands every faculty is a lesson which takes most men longest to learn. ”

- Gertrude Atherton

“ To put a tempting face aside when duty demands every faculty is a lesson which takes most men longest to learn. ”

- Gertrude Atherton

“ Success is a great healer. ”

- Gertrude Atherton

“ To put a tempting face aside when duty demands every faculty is a lesson which takes most men longest to learn. ”

- Gertrude Atherton

“ To put a tempting face aside when duty demands every faculty is a lesson which takes most men longest to learn. ”

- Gertrude Atherton

“ Success is a great healer. ”

- Gertrude Atherton
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