Quotes of George Hill - somelinesforyou

“ She is said to be inclined to cough noisily when he goes on too long at the rostrum; but this is a traditional prerogative of the political wife, and rather more necessary in this instance than in most. ”

- George Hill

“ Annie, dearest friend: I am not long for this world and I wish to thank you for your kindness ere I go. ”

- George Hill

“ There were times when people could have gone either way. Either back to homelessness and addiction or forward. She would say just a comforting word, give you a hug, no matter what you looked like. ”

- George Hill

“ She is said to be inclined to cough noisily when he goes on too long at the rostrum; but this is a traditional prerogative of the political wife, and rather more necessary in this instance than in most. ”

- George Hill

“ She is said to be inclined to cough noisily when he goes on too long at the rostrum; but this is a traditional prerogative of the political wife, and rather more necessary in this instance than in most. ”

- George Hill

“ She is said to be inclined to cough noisily when he goes on too long at the rostrum; but this is a traditional prerogative of the political wife, and rather more necessary in this instance than in most. ”

- George Hill

“ She is said to be inclined to cough noisily when he goes on too long at the rostrum; but this is a traditional prerogative of the political wife, and rather more necessary in this instance than in most. ”

- George Hill

“ She is said to be inclined to cough noisily when he goes on too long at the rostrum; but this is a traditional prerogative of the political wife, and rather more necessary in this instance than in most. ”

- George Hill

“ She is said to be inclined to cough noisily when he goes on too long at the rostrum; but this is a traditional prerogative of the political wife, and rather more necessary in this instance than in most. ”

- George Hill
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