Quotes of George Granville - somelinesforyou

“ What we frankly give, forever is our own. ”

- George Granville

“ Patience is the virtue of an ass, who treads beneath his burden and complains not. ”

- George Granville

“ Thy thoughts to nobler meditations give, And study how to die, not how to live. ”

- George Granville

“ Patience is the virtue of an ass, who treads beneath his burden and complains not. ”

- George Granville

“ Thy thoughts to nobler meditations give, And study how to die, not how to live. ”

- George Granville

“ Thy thoughts to nobler meditations give, And study how to die, not how to live. ”

- George Granville

“ What we frankly give, forever is our own. ”

- George Granville

“ What we frankly give, forever is our own. ”

- George Granville

“ What we give, forever is our own. ”

- George Granville

“ What we frankly give, forever is our own. ”

- George Granville

“ Patience is the virtue of an ass, who treads beneath his burden and complains not. ”

- George Granville

“ Patience is the virtue of an ass, who treads beneath his burden and complains not. ”

- George Granville

“ What we frankly give, forever is our own. ”

- George Granville

“ Thy thoughts to nobler meditations give, And study how to die, not how to live. ”

- George Granville

“ Thy thoughts to nobler meditations give, And study how to die, not how to live. ”

- George Granville

“ What we frankly give, forever is our own. ”

- George Granville

“ Patience is the virtue of an ass, who treads beneath his burden and complains not. ”

- George Granville

“ Thy thoughts to nobler meditations give, And study how to die, not how to live. ”

- George Granville

“ Thy thoughts to nobler meditations give, And study how to die, not how to live. ”

- George Granville

“ Patience is the virtue of an ass, who treads beneath his burden and complains not. ”

- George Granville

“ Patience is the virtue of an ass, who treads beneath his burden and complains not. ”

- George Granville

“ Patience is the virtue of an ass, who treads beneath his burden and complains not. ”

- George Granville

“ Thy thoughts to nobler meditations give, And study how to die, not how to live. ”

- George Granville
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