Quotes of George Gardner - somelinesforyou

“ Thought is, perhaps, the forerunner and even the mother of ideas, and ideas are the most powerful and the most useful things in the world. ”

- George Gardner

“ Thought is, perhaps, the forerunner and even the mother of ideas, and ideas are the most powerful and the most useful things in the world. ”

- George Gardner

“ Thought is, perhaps, the forerunner and even the mother of ideas, and ideas are the most powerful and the most useful things in the world. ”

- George Gardner

“ Thought is, perhaps, the forerunner and even the mother of ideas, and ideas are the most powerful and the most useful things in the world. ”

- George Gardner

“ Thought is, perhaps, the forerunner and even the mother of ideas, and ideas are the most powerful and the most useful things in the world. ”

- George Gardner

“ Thought is, perhaps, the forerunner and even the mother of ideas, and ideas are the most powerful and the most useful things in the world. ”

- George Gardner
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