Quotes of George Bernanos - somelinesforyou

“ On ne comprends rien à la civilisation moderne, si l'on n'admet pas d'abord qu'elle est une conspiration universelle contre toute espèce de vie intérieure. ”

- George Bernanos

“ Hope is a risk that must be run. ”

- George Bernanos

“ Hope is a risk that must be run. ”

- George Bernanos

“ Hope is a risk that must be run. ”

- George Bernanos

“ Hope is a risk that must be run. ”

- George Bernanos

“ The horrors which we have seen, and the still greater horrors we shall presently see, are not signs that rebels, insubordinate, untamable people are increasing in number throughout the world, but rather that there is a constant increase in the number of obedient, docile people. ”

- George Bernanos

“ The horrors which we have seen, and the still greater horrors we shall presently see, are not signs that rebels, insubordinate, untamable people are increasing in number throughout the world, but rather that there is a constant increase in the number of obedient, docile people. ”

- George Bernanos

“ Hope is a risk that must be run. ”

- George Bernanos

“ Hope is a risk that must be run. ”

- George Bernanos

“ The horrors which we have seen, and the still greater horrors we shall presently see, are not signs that rebels, insubordinate, untamable people are increasing in number throughout the world, but rather that there is a constant increase in the number of obedient, docile people. ”

- George Bernanos
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