Quotes of George A. Buttrick - somelinesforyou

“ Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Life is essentially a series of events to be lived through rather than intellectual riddles to be played with and solved. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Faith is the response of our spirits to beckonings of the eternal. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Life is essentially a series of events to be lived through rather than intellectual riddles to be played with and solved. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Faith is the response of our spirits to beckonings of the eternal. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Life is essentially a series of events to be lived through rather than intellectual riddles to be played with and solved. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Faith is the response of our spirits to beckonings of the eternal. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Life is essentially a series of events to be lived through rather than intellectual riddles to be played with and solved. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Life is essentially a series of events to be lived through rather than intellectual riddles to be played with and solved. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Faith is the response of our spirits to beckonings of the eternal. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Faith is the response of our spirits to beckonings of the eternal. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Life is essentially a series of events to be lived through rather than intellectual riddles to be played with and solved. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts. ”

- George A. Buttrick

“ Prayer is not a substitute for work, thinking, watching, suffering, or giving; prayer is a support for all other efforts. ”

- George A. Buttrick
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