Quotes of Gary Snyder - somelinesforyou

“ In Western Civilization, our elders are books. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ The other side of the "sacred" is the sight of your beloved in the underworld, dripping with maggots. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ Will be but corpses dressed in frocks, who cannot speak to birds or rocks. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ Will be but corpses dressed in frocks, who cannot speak to birds or rocks. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ In Western Civilization, our elders are books. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ In Western Civilization, our elders are books. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ It gave a sense of the possibilities of an alternative culture. And it wasn't just poetry that moved people. It was the sense of a community, of people with a vision. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ True affluence is not needing anything. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ It gave a sense of the possibilities of an alternative culture. And it wasn't just poetry that moved people. It was the sense of a community, of people with a vision. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ I settled at Cold Mountain long ago, Already it seems like years and years. Freely drifting, I prowl the woods and streams And linger watching things themselves. Men don't get this far into the mountains, White clouds gather and billow. Thin grass does for a mattress, The blue sky makes a good quilt… ”

- Gary Snyder

“ True affluence is not needing anything. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility. ”

- Gary Snyder

“ I settled at Cold Mountain long ago, Already it seems like years and years. Freely drifting, I prowl the woods and streams And linger watching things themselves. Men don't get this far into the mountains, White clouds gather and billow. Thin grass does for a mattress, The blue sky makes a good quilt… ”

- Gary Snyder

“ Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility. ”

- Gary Snyder
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