Quotes of Friedrich Klopstock - somelinesforyou

“ God and I both knew what it meant once; now God alone knows. ”

- Friedrich Klopstock

“ He who has no opinion of his own, but depends upon the opinion and taste of others, is a slave. ”

- Friedrich Klopstock

“ God and I both knew what it meant once; now God alone knows. ”

- Friedrich Klopstock

“ God and I both knew what it meant once; now God alone knows. ”

- Friedrich Klopstock

“ God and I both knew what it meant once; now God alone knows. ”

- Friedrich Klopstock

“ He who has no opinion of his own, but depends upon the opinion and taste of others, is a slave. ”

- Friedrich Klopstock

“ God and I both knew what it meant once; now God alone knows. ”

- Friedrich Klopstock

“ God and I both knew what it meant once; now God alone knows. ”

- Friedrich Klopstock

“ He who has no opinion of his own, but depends upon the opinion and taste of others, is a slave. ”

- Friedrich Klopstock

“ He who has no opinion of his own, but depends upon the opinion and taste of others, is a slave. ”

- Friedrich Klopstock
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