Quotes of Frederick Hudson Ecker - somelinesforyou

“ If I were to suggest a general rule for happiness, I would say "Work a little harder; Work a little longer; Work!". ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ Facts are the most important thing in business. Study facts and do more than is expected of you. ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ I don't think anybody yet has invented a pastime that's as much fun, or keeps you as young, as a good job. ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ I don't think anybody yet has invented a pastime that's as much fun, or keeps you as young, as a good job. ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ Facts are the most important thing in business. Study facts and do more than is expected of you. ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ If I were to suggest a general rule for happiness, I would say "Work a little harder; Work a little longer; Work!". ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ If I were to suggest a general rule for happiness, I would say "Work a little harder; Work a little longer; Work!". ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ I don't think anybody yet has invented a pastime that's as much fun, or keeps you as young, as a good job. ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ I don't think anybody yet has invented a pastime that's as much fun, or keeps you as young, as a good job. ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ If I were to suggest a general rule for happiness, I would say "Work a little harder; Work a little longer; Work!". ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ I don't think anybody yet has invented a pastime that's as much fun, or keeps you as young, as a good job. ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ I don't think anybody yet has invented a pastime that's as much fun, or keeps you as young, as a good job. ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ If I were to suggest a general rule for happiness, I would say "Work a little harder; Work a little longer; Work!". ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker

“ If I were to suggest a general rule for happiness, I would say "Work a little harder; Work a little longer; Work!". ”

- Frederick Hudson Ecker
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