Quotes of Frederic Remington - somelinesforyou

“ Art is a she-devil of a mistress, and if at times in earlier days she would not even stoop to my way of thinking, I have persevered and will so continue. ”

- Frederic Remington

“ Art is a she-devil of a mistress, and if at times in earlier days she would not even stoop to my way of thinking, I have persevered and will so continue. ”

- Frederic Remington

“ Art is a she-devil of a mistress, and if at times in earlier days she would not even stoop to my way of thinking, I have persevered and will so continue. ”

- Frederic Remington

“ Art is a she-devil of a mistress, and if at times in earlier days she would not even stoop to my way of thinking, I have persevered and will so continue. ”

- Frederic Remington

“ I have always had a feeling for mud. ”

- Frederic Remington

“ They are a fine outfit those Blackfeet. ”

- Frederic Remington

“ Art is a she-devil of a mistress, and if at times in earlier days she would not even stoop to my way of thinking, I have persevered and will so continue. ”

- Frederic Remington

“ Art is a she-devil of a mistress, and if at times in earlier days she would not even stoop to my way of thinking, I have persevered and will so continue. ”

- Frederic Remington
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