Quotes of Fred Van Amburgh - somelinesforyou

“ There is no fool like the fool who will continue to kick the rubbish of his mistakes along the path ahead of him, and then be compelled to stumble over these mistakes a second time. ”

- Fred Van Amburgh

“ There is no fool like the fool who will continue to kick the rubbish of his mistakes along the path ahead of him, and then be compelled to stumble over these mistakes a second time. ”

- Fred Van Amburgh

“ There is no fool like the fool who will continue to kick the rubbish of his mistakes along the path ahead of him, and then be compelled to stumble over these mistakes a second time. ”

- Fred Van Amburgh

“ Dream big dreams, then put on your overalls and go out and make the dreams come true. ”

- Fred Van Amburgh

“ There is no fool like the fool who will continue to kick the rubbish of his mistakes along the path ahead of him, and then be compelled to stumble over these mistakes a second time. ”

- Fred Van Amburgh

“ There is no fool like the fool who will continue to kick the rubbish of his mistakes along the path ahead of him, and then be compelled to stumble over these mistakes a second time. ”

- Fred Van Amburgh

“ To have a tranquil mind, a clean, calm, conscientious purpose, a few true friends, good health, a happy home, and a sufficient amount saved to guarantee against any embarrassment from want, means that you are wealthy. ”

- Fred Van Amburgh

“ To have a tranquil mind, a clean, calm, conscientious purpose, a few true friends, good health, a happy home, and a sufficient amount saved to guarantee against any embarrassment from want, means that you are wealthy. ”

- Fred Van Amburgh

“ There is no fool like the fool who will continue to kick the rubbish of his mistakes along the path ahead of him, and then be compelled to stumble over these mistakes a second time. ”

- Fred Van Amburgh

“ The most important wars in history were the result of trivial causes. Those who know when they have had enough are wealthy. ”

- Fred Van Amburgh

“ The most important wars in history were the result of trivial causes. Those who know when they have had enough are wealthy. ”

- Fred Van Amburgh
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