Quotes of Frank C. Laubach - somelinesforyou

“ Prayer at its highest is a twoway conversationand for me the most important part is listening to God's replies. ”

- Frank C. Laubach

“ I have done nothing but open windowsGod has done all the rest. ”

- Frank C. Laubach

“ We must pray for more prayer, for it is the world's mightiest healing force. ”

- Frank C. Laubach

“ We must pray for more prayer, for it is the world's mightiest healing force. ”

- Frank C. Laubach

“ We must pray for more prayer, for it is the world's mightiest healing force. ”

- Frank C. Laubach

“ We must pray for more prayer, for it is the world's mightiest healing force. ”

- Frank C. Laubach
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