Quotes of Florence Griffith Joyner - somelinesforyou

“ I pray hard, work hard, and leave the rest to God. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ When anyone tells me I can't do anything. I'm just not listening any more. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ The main reason I wanted to be successful was to get out of the ghetto. My parents helped direct my path. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ People don't pay much attention to you when you are second best. I wanted to see what it felt like to be number one. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ The main reason I wanted to be successful was to get out of the ghetto. My parents helped direct my path. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ I pray hard, work hard, and leave the rest to God. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ When anyone tells me I can't do anything. I'm just not listening any more. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ When anyone tells me I can't do anything. I'm just not listening any more. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ When anyone tells me I can't do anything. I'm just not listening any more. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ When anyone tells me I can't do anything. I'm just not listening any more. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ I pray hard, work hard, and leave the rest to God. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ The main reason I wanted to be successful was to get out of the ghetto. My parents helped direct my path. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ When anyone tells me I can't do anything. I'm just not listening any more. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ People don't pay much attention to you when you are second best. I wanted to see what it felt like to be number one. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ The main reason I wanted to be successful was to get out of the ghetto. My parents helped direct my path. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ I pray hard, work hard, and leave the rest to God. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ When anyone tells me I can't do anything. I'm just not listening any more. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ I pray hard, work hard, and leave the rest to God. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ When anyone tells me I can't do anything. I'm just not listening any more. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ People don't pay much attention to you when you are second best. I wanted to see what it felt like to be number one. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ The main reason I wanted to be successful was to get out of the ghetto. My parents helped direct my path. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ The main reason I wanted to be successful was to get out of the ghetto. My parents helped direct my path. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ The main reason I wanted to be successful was to get out of the ghetto. My parents helped direct my path. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ The main reason I wanted to be successful was to get out of the ghetto. My parents helped direct my path. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ When anyone tells me I can't do anything. I'm just not listening any more. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner

“ The main reason I wanted to be successful was to get out of the ghetto. My parents helped direct my path. ”

- Florence Griffith Joyner
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