Quotes of Fakeer Ishavardas - somelinesforyou

“ To unlearn the bullshit one has learned takes more than a life time. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ Do your best, then chill. Thing happen as they will. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ Understand what you hate. And you'll hate no more. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ Do your best. Then, surrender to the Divine Will. And of course, chill. Things work as they will. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ See the 'That' of What Is in all, and treat them accordingly as the mirrored self of your soul. That is religion enough. The rest is but mumbo jumbo of lost souls. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ Misfortune is also good fortune, in a way. It is relative. For, you get to know who truly are your friends, and who really are your true relatives. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ If you love God but hate His people, well then, you're not the Lord's people. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ If "live and let live" is not the core philosophy of your religion, then, at the core level you'll live and die imprisoned. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ Peaceful atheists are far more spiritual than hateful theists. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ Whatsoever God gives is somehow good. Whether good or bad, in the long run you'll find it was not exactly bad but in a way good. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ To lose a friend is akin losing a limb; leaving one is akin turning pauper from a king. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ People who say they do not regret anything in their life, for the next birth too should get the very same wife. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ Everyone laughs at one's own jokes. To be able to appreciate another's reveals who you really are a chilled out guy, or just a stuckup joke. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ People who do not love dogs, know! When you've bitten dust and lying in your grave, a dog will come by and either crap or piss on you. Of course dogs may do the same on my grave too! But in doing so they'll be embracing me, but oh! they will surely be defecating on you. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ Nonsensical people of Imemyonegodism blaspheme against the god of every other religion but at the same time expect the latter to respect the former's touted god! Makes perfect sense, eh? ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ Smile, you're alive. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ Humans for most part are boorish, boastful, and beasts. They're pretentious, pissfull, pussyled and penisfull as their priests. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ The thing with politicians is that though they spit differently yet they shit similarly. ”

- fakeer ishavardas

“ I've many regrets in life, but not ever life itself. ”

- fakeer ishavardas
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