Quotes of F. W. Dupree - somelinesforyou

“ From Jesse James to Loeb and Leopold, from the perpetrators of the St Valentine's Day's massacre to the Lindbergh kidnapper and beyond, our celebrated delinquents have become a part of the national heritage. ”

- F. W. Dupree

“ They figure in a sort of musae imaginaire, half Madame Tussaud's, half Smithsonian, of American crime. ”

- F. W. Dupree

“ From Jesse James to Loeb and Leopold, from the perpetrators of the St Valentine's Day's massacre to the Lindbergh kidnapper and beyond, our celebrated delinquents have become a part of the national heritage. ”

- F. W. Dupree

“ From Jesse James to Loeb and Leopold, from the perpetrators of the St Valentine's Day's massacre to the Lindbergh kidnapper and beyond, our celebrated delinquents have become a part of the national heritage. ”

- F. W. Dupree

“ From Jesse James to Loeb and Leopold, from the perpetrators of the St Valentine's Day's massacre to the Lindbergh kidnapper and beyond, our celebrated delinquents have become a part of the national heritage. ”

- F. W. Dupree

“ They figure in a sort of musae imaginaire, half Madame Tussaud's, half Smithsonian, of American crime. ”

- F. W. Dupree

“ From Jesse James to Loeb and Leopold, from the perpetrators of the St Valentine's Day's massacre to the Lindbergh kidnapper and beyond, our celebrated delinquents have become a part of the national heritage. ”

- F. W. Dupree

“ From Jesse James to Loeb and Leopold, from the perpetrators of the St Valentine's Day's massacre to the Lindbergh kidnapper and beyond, our celebrated delinquents have become a part of the national heritage. ”

- F. W. Dupree

“ From Jesse James to Loeb and Leopold, from the perpetrators of the St Valentine's Day's massacre to the Lindbergh kidnapper and beyond, our celebrated delinquents have become a part of the national heritage. ”

- F. W. Dupree
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