Quotes of Eugene C. Dorsey - somelinesforyou

“ Those who give five percent of their incomes or volunteer five hours per week should be our models. Like tithers, these fivers represent the ideal of active citizenship and personal community service. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ Those who give five percent of their incomes or volunteer five hours per week should be our models. Like tithers, these fivers represent the ideal of active citizenship and personal community service. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ Live and work to make a difference, to make things better, even the smallest things. Give full consideration to the rights and interests of others. No business is successful, even if it flourishes, in a society that does not care for or about its people. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ Those who give five percent of their incomes or volunteer five hours per week should be our models. Like tithers, these fivers represent the ideal of active citizenship and personal community service. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ Those who give five percent of their incomes or volunteer five hours per week should be our models. Like tithers, these fivers represent the ideal of active citizenship and personal community service. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ The most effective philanthropy helps people help themselves and preserves their self-respect. But government should not diminish its role in providing human services, since the financial impact of philanthropy is about one-tenth that of all levels of government. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ The most effective philanthropy helps people help themselves and preserves their self-respect. But government should not diminish its role in providing human services, since the financial impact of philanthropy is about one-tenth that of all levels of government. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ The most effective philanthropy helps people help themselves and preserves their self-respect. But government should not diminish its role in providing human services, since the financial impact of philanthropy is about one-tenth that of all levels of government. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ Those who give five percent of their incomes or volunteer five hours per week should be our models. Like tithers, these fivers represent the ideal of active citizenship and personal community service. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ Those who give five percent of their incomes or volunteer five hours per week should be our models. Like tithers, these fivers represent the ideal of active citizenship and personal community service. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ The most effective philanthropy helps people help themselves and preserves their self-respect. But government should not diminish its role in providing human services, since the financial impact of philanthropy is about one-tenth that of all levels of government. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ The most effective philanthropy helps people help themselves and preserves their self-respect. But government should not diminish its role in providing human services, since the financial impact of philanthropy is about one-tenth that of all levels of government. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ Those who give five percent of their incomes or volunteer five hours per week should be our models. Like tithers, these fivers represent the ideal of active citizenship and personal community service. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey

“ Those who give five percent of their incomes or volunteer five hours per week should be our models. Like tithers, these fivers represent the ideal of active citizenship and personal community service. ”

- Eugene C. Dorsey
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