Quotes of Eric Cheng - somelinesforyou

“ Four years ago, I wondered who the hell was voting for Bush And then I found out that some of my friends voted for him. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ Who has time to manually spam web sites? That can't be very cost effective. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ I have seen few things as beautiful as a 6:30am lift-off from San Francisco International Airport in the autumn. From above, the rippled fog layer laps against the shores of the foothills like a voluminous cotton ocean. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ I have seen few things as beautiful as a 6:30am lift-off from San Francisco International Airport in the autumn. From above, the rippled fog layer laps against the shores of the foothills like a voluminous cotton ocean. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ I have seen few things as beautiful as a 6:30am lift-off from San Francisco International Airport in the autumn. From above, the rippled fog layer laps against the shores of the foothills like a voluminous cotton ocean. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ Four years ago, I wondered who the hell was voting for Bush And then I found out that some of my friends voted for him. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ I have seen few things as beautiful as a 6:30am lift-off from San Francisco International Airport in the autumn. From above, the rippled fog layer laps against the shores of the foothills like a voluminous cotton ocean. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ I have seen few things as beautiful as a 6:30am lift-off from San Francisco International Airport in the autumn. From above, the rippled fog layer laps against the shores of the foothills like a voluminous cotton ocean. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ I have seen few things as beautiful as a 6:30am lift-off from San Francisco International Airport in the autumn. From above, the rippled fog layer laps against the shores of the foothills like a voluminous cotton ocean. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ I have seen few things as beautiful as a 6:30am lift-off from San Francisco International Airport in the autumn. From above, the rippled fog layer laps against the shores of the foothills like a voluminous cotton ocean. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ Four years ago, I wondered who the hell was voting for Bush And then I found out that some of my friends voted for him. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ I have seen few things as beautiful as a 6:30am lift-off from San Francisco International Airport in the autumn. From above, the rippled fog layer laps against the shores of the foothills like a voluminous cotton ocean. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ I have seen few things as beautiful as a 6:30am lift-off from San Francisco International Airport in the autumn. From above, the rippled fog layer laps against the shores of the foothills like a voluminous cotton ocean. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ Four years ago, I wondered who the hell was voting for Bush And then I found out that some of my friends voted for him. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ Four years ago, I wondered who the hell was voting for Bush And then I found out that some of my friends voted for him. ”

- Eric Cheng

“ Four years ago, I wondered who the hell was voting for Bush And then I found out that some of my friends voted for him. ”

- Eric Cheng
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