Quotes of Eliot Porter - somelinesforyou

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ You learn to see by practice. It's just like playing tennis, you get better the more you play. The more you look around at things, the more you see. The more you photograph, the more you realize what can be photographed and what can't be photographed… ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Photographs are believed more than words; thus they can be used persuasively to show people who have never taken the trouble to look what is there. They can point out beauties and relationships not previously believed or suspected to exist. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Photographs are believed more than words; thus they can be used persuasively to show people who have never taken the trouble to look what is there. They can point out beauties and relationships not previously believed or suspected to exist. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ You learn to see by practice. It's just like playing tennis, you get better the more you play. The more you look around at things, the more you see. The more you photograph, the more you realize what can be photographed and what can't be photographed… ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Photographs are believed more than words; thus they can be used persuasively to show people who have never taken the trouble to look what is there. They can point out beauties and relationships not previously believed or suspected to exist. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter

“ Sometimes you can tell a large story with a tiny subject. ”

- Eliot Porter
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