Quotes of Elinor Wylie - somelinesforyou

“ If any has a stone to throw It is not I, ever or now. ”

- Elinor Wylie

“ I am better able to imagine hell than heaven; it is my inheritance, I suppose. ”

- Elinor Wylie

“ I am better able to imagine hell than heaven; it is my inheritance, I suppose. ”

- Elinor Wylie

“ If any has a stone to throw It is not I, ever or now. ”

- Elinor Wylie

“ If any has a stone to throw It is not I, ever or now. ”

- Elinor Wylie

“ If any has a stone to throw It is not I, ever or now. ”

- Elinor Wylie

“ If any has a stone to throw It is not I, ever or now. ”

- Elinor Wylie

“ If any has a stone to throw It is not I, ever or now. ”

- Elinor Wylie
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