Quotes of Edmund Husserl - somelinesforyou

“ I had to philosophize. Otherwise, I could not live in this world. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ First, anyone who seriously intends to become a philosopher must "once in his life" withdraw into himself and attempt, within himself, to overthrow and build anew all the sciences that, up to then, he has been accepting. Philosophy wisdom (sagesse) is the philosophizer's quite personal affair. It must arise as His wisdom, as his selfacquired knowledge tending toward universality, a knowledge for which he can answer from the beginning, and at each step, by virtue of his own absolute insights. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Merely factminded sciences make merely factminded people. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Zu den Sachen selbst! ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ First, anyone who seriously intends to become a philosopher must "once in his life" withdraw into himself and attempt, within himself, to overthrow and build anew all the sciences that, up to then, he has been accepting. Philosophy wisdom (sagesse) is the philosophizer's quite personal affair. It must arise as His wisdom, as his selfacquired knowledge tending toward universality, a knowledge for which he can answer from the beginning, and at each step, by virtue of his own absolute insights. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Merely factminded sciences make merely factminded people. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ First, anyone who seriously intends to become a philosopher must "once in his life" withdraw into himself and attempt, within himself, to overthrow and build anew all the sciences that, up to then, he has been accepting. Philosophy wisdom (sagesse) is the philosophizer's quite personal affair. It must arise as His wisdom, as his selfacquired knowledge tending toward universality, a knowledge for which he can answer from the beginning, and at each step, by virtue of his own absolute insights. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Philosophers, as things now stand, are all too fond of offering criticism from on high instead of studying and understanding things from within. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ All philosophical disciplines are rooted in pure phenomenology, through whose development, and through it alone, they obtain their proper force. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Philosophers, as things now stand, are all too fond of offering criticism from on high instead of studying and understanding things from within. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Philosophers, as things now stand, are all too fond of offering criticism from on high instead of studying and understanding things from within. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ All philosophical disciplines are rooted in pure phenomenology, through whose development, and through it alone, they obtain their proper force. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Within this widest concept of object, and specifically within the concept of individual object, Objects and phenomena stand in contrast with each other. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ The ideal of a pure phenomenology will be perfected only by answering this question; pure phenomenology is to be separated sharply from psychology at large and, specifically, from the descriptive psychology of the phenomena of consciousness. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ What phenomenology wants, in all these investigations, is to establish what admits of being stated with the universal validity of theory. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ We would be in a nasty position indeed if empirical science were the only kind of science possible. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ At the lowest cognitive level, they are processes of experiencing, or, to speak more generally, processes of intuiting that grasp the object in the original. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ It just is nothing foreign to consciousness at all that could present itself to consciousness through the mediation of phenomena different from the liking itself; to like is intrinsically to be conscious. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Within this widest concept of object, and specifically within the concept of individual object, Objects and phenomena stand in contrast with each other. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Something similar is still true of the courses followed by manifold intuitions which together make up the unity of one continuous consciousness of one and the same object. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Merely fact-minded sciences make merely fact-minded people. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ The actuality of all of material Nature is therefore kept out of action and that of all corporeality along with it, including the actuality of my body, the body of the cognizing subject. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Merely fact-minded sciences make merely fact-minded people. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ At the lowest cognitive level, they are processes of experiencing, or, to speak more generally, processes of intuiting that grasp the object in the original. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ At the lowest cognitive level, they are processes of experiencing, or, to speak more generally, processes of intuiting that grasp the object in the original. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ To begin with, we put the proposition: pure phenomenology is the science of pure consciousness. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Within this widest concept of object, and specifically within the concept of individual object, Objects and phenomena stand in contrast with each other. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ It just is nothing foreign to consciousness at all that could present itself to consciousness through the mediation of phenomena different from the liking itself; to like is intrinsically to be conscious. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ Immanent and transcendent experience are nevertheless connected in a remarkable way: by a change in attitude, we can pass from the one to the other. ”

- Edmund Husserl

“ If all consciousness is subject to essential laws in a manner similar to that in which spatial reality is subject to mathematical laws, then these essential laws will be of most fertile significance in investigating facts of the conscious life of human and brute animals. ”

- Edmund Husserl
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