Quotes of Duke Snider - somelinesforyou

“ Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you're swinging. ”

- Duke Snider

“ What a player does best, he should practice least. Practice is for problems. ”

- Duke Snider

“ Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you're swinging. ”

- Duke Snider

“ Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you're swinging. ”

- Duke Snider

“ Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you're swinging. ”

- Duke Snider

“ Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you're swinging. ”

- Duke Snider

“ Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you're swinging. ”

- Duke Snider

“ Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you're swinging. ”

- Duke Snider

“ Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you're swinging. ”

- Duke Snider

“ Swing hard, in case they throw the ball where you're swinging. ”

- Duke Snider
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