Quotes of Drenda Keesee - somelinesforyou

“ We model how much we love our kids by the boundaries we set for them. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ If you and your family are not where you think you should be, you need to be open for God’s Spirit to point out the things that may be hindering your ability to advance. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ As parents, we have been entrusted with such a precious prize: the lives of eternal souls. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ As long as we blame others for our issues and don’t take personal responsibility, we remove ourselves from God’s provision and His correction, forgiveness, and restoration. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ You have to keep your eyes on the Word of God and keep a guard against strife, otherwise when the storms come, you’re going to turn your eyes to the wrong thing. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ The law of releasing life or death in your life is the power of your tongue, and it is operating all the time. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ This is how the enemy divides us as husband and wife. He gets you looking at your needs, your issues, and your problems. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ Unless you have a plan a list of your priorities to do you’re planning to fail. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ If there’s one thing I’ve learned after a lifetime of facing fears, it’s that there’s no reward without some risk. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ We model how much we love our kids by the boundaries we set for them. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ That sense of inferiority is just another word for fear. And fear is simply the selfdeception that you are about to be separated from the thing you most value. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ The greatest loss is the loss of one’s calling because we were listening to the wrong voices. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ The feeling of obligation can cause you to make bad decisions for your time, family, and destiny. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ If we live in a place of hurt, how can we be effective in our own lives or in impacting others? ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ Hurt feelings destroy so many relationships. Not only that, but they can take us off course from our destinies if we let them. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ We’re all looking for others to make us feel special, valued, and even exceptional; and when others fail to do what we need, we get our feelings hurt. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ The culture is out of control, and we can’t afford to fail into their divisive worldly attitudes, which lead to rebellious ways. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ Jesus is not a way to truth; He is THE way. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ You and I are called to speak truth, even when the culture tries to pressure us into silence. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ We must be careful to say the truth with the least offense, but it has to be the truth nonetheless. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ We must make sure our ways mirror the Word of God if we are going to live free and inherit the blessings of God for our lives. This is not the hour to compromise to keep from getting our feelings hurt. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ Our goal should be to represent Jesus in every situation. When I was dealing with sharks, I didn’t have the answers, but God did. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ If you keep your eyes on Jesus and prioritize your walk with Him, you’ll build your life on the right foundation. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ The decisions you make every day are either building up or tearing down your life. What you meditate on, what you think about, and how you use your time set the course for your future. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ It’s not always destruction that keeps us from our destiny; it’s distraction. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ Sharks will try to steal your time and intention, but you have to protect your focus. Keep your eyes on Jesus! He will carry you through persecution to victory! ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ We have to fight the battle for our destinies, not the battle for approval. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ We can’t sacrifice the will of God for the approval of people. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ People will criticize the very thing God has called you to do, saying it seems impossible to them, or too hard for them but that’s why God called you to do it, not them. ”

- Drenda Keesee

“ Sometimes people will misjudge your heart or what God has called you to do, but it’s not between you and them, it’s between you and God. When we stay focused on the call of God for our lives, He is able to create a legacy for us beyond anything we could have hoped or imagined! ”

- Drenda Keesee
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