Quotes of Douglas Murray McGregor - somelinesforyou

“ Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ TRUST: I know that you will not — deliberately or accidentally, consciously or unconsciously — take unfair advantage of me. I can put my situation at the moment, my status and self-esteem in this group, our relationship, my job, my career, even my life, in your hands with complete confidence. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ TRUST: I know that you will not — deliberately or accidentally, consciously or unconsciously — take unfair advantage of me. I can put my situation at the moment, my status and self-esteem in this group, our relationship, my job, my career, even my life, in your hands with complete confidence. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Relationships is a growing part of life; not life growing apart. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ TRUST: I know that you will not — deliberately or accidentally, consciously or unconsciously — take unfair advantage of me. I can put my situation at the moment, my status and self-esteem in this group, our relationship, my job, my career, even my life, in your hands with complete confidence. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ TRUST: I know that you will not — deliberately or accidentally, consciously or unconsciously — take unfair advantage of me. I can put my situation at the moment, my status and self-esteem in this group, our relationship, my job, my career, even my life, in your hands with complete confidence. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Relationships is a growing part of life; not life growing apart. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ TRUST: I know that you will not — deliberately or accidentally, consciously or unconsciously — take unfair advantage of me. I can put my situation at the moment, my status and self-esteem in this group, our relationship, my job, my career, even my life, in your hands with complete confidence. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ TRUST: I know that you will not — deliberately or accidentally, consciously or unconsciously — take unfair advantage of me. I can put my situation at the moment, my status and self-esteem in this group, our relationship, my job, my career, even my life, in your hands with complete confidence. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ TRUST: I know that you will not — deliberately or accidentally, consciously or unconsciously — take unfair advantage of me. I can put my situation at the moment, my status and self-esteem in this group, our relationship, my job, my career, even my life, in your hands with complete confidence. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ TRUST: I know that you will not — deliberately or accidentally, consciously or unconsciously — take unfair advantage of me. I can put my situation at the moment, my status and self-esteem in this group, our relationship, my job, my career, even my life, in your hands with complete confidence. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor

“ Most teams aren't teams at all but merely collections of individual relationships with the boss. Each individual vying with the others for power, prestige and position. ”

- Douglas Murray McGregor
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