Quotes of Diana Robinson - somelinesforyou

“ Prayer is when you talk to God; Meditation is when you listen to God. ”

- Diana Robinson

“ Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God. ”

- Diana Robinson

“ I tell the girls that we're not looking for the steal. Chances are they'll turn it over in the front court. We're not looking for the steal. If we get the steal it's a bonus, and the girls accept it. The girls kept their intensity, and they did it for the whole game. ”

- Diana Robinson

“ Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God. ”

- Diana Robinson

“ I love the poise. I tell the kids at practice that the juniors are no longer juniors. We've played enough basketball now that they're seniors. The sophomores are juniors and right down the line. We're so youthful. We have two great seniors who play, but we play beyond our years… ”

- Diana Robinson

“ Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God. ”

- Diana Robinson

“ Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God. ”

- Diana Robinson

“ Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God. ”

- Diana Robinson

“ It's marrying high technology, and it enables the industry to take the research and development and fast track it. ”

- Diana Robinson

“ Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God. ”

- Diana Robinson

“ I love the poise. I tell the kids at practice that the juniors are no longer juniors. We've played enough basketball now that they're seniors. The sophomores are juniors and right down the line. We're so youthful. We have two great seniors who play, but we play beyond our years… ”

- Diana Robinson

“ Their press killed us. We had way over 25 turnovers. We freaked out against it in the beginning, but we came back and played a strong second quarter. ”

- Diana Robinson

“ I love the poise. I tell the kids at practice that the juniors are no longer juniors. We've played enough basketball now that they're seniors. The sophomores are juniors and right down the line. We're so youthful. We have two great seniors who play, but we play beyond our years… ”

- Diana Robinson

“ It's always a key to get off to a good start in a playoff game. This is an exciting time of year. You never know when the other team is going to bust it open. You want to show some confidence against who you're playing. It's so important to get off to a fast start, and it definitely felt good. ”

- Diana Robinson

“ I love the poise. I tell the kids at practice that the juniors are no longer juniors. We've played enough basketball now that they're seniors. The sophomores are juniors and right down the line. We're so youthful. We have two great seniors who play, but we play beyond our years… ”

- Diana Robinson
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