Quotes of Demophilus - somelinesforyou

“ It is with youth as with plants; from the first fruits they bear we learn what may be expected in future. ”

- Demophilus

“ The beauty of a statue is in its outward form; of a man in his conduct. ”

- Demophilus

“ Flattery resembles the picture of a suit of armour in this respect, that it is calculated to yield delight, not to render any actual service. ”

- Demophilus

“ Flattery resembles the picture of a suit of armour in this respect, that it is calculated to yield delight, not to render any actual service. ”

- Demophilus

“ It is with youth as with plants; from the first fruits they bear we learn what may be expected in future. ”

- Demophilus

“ Flattery resembles the picture of a suit of armour in this respect, that it is calculated to yield delight, not to render any actual service. ”

- Demophilus

“ It is with youth as with plants; from the first fruits they bear we learn what may be expected in future. ”

- Demophilus

“ Flattery resembles the picture of a suit of armour in this respect, that it is calculated to yield delight, not to render any actual service. ”

- Demophilus

“ The beauty of a statue is in its outward form; of a man in his conduct. ”

- Demophilus

“ Flattery resembles the picture of a suit of armour in this respect, that it is calculated to yield delight, not to render any actual service. ”

- Demophilus

“ Life is indeed more agreeable by alternate occupation and leisure. ”

- Demophilus

“ It is with youth as with plants; from the first fruits they bear we learn what may be expected in future. ”

- Demophilus

“ It is with youth as with plants; from the first fruits they bear we learn what may be expected in future. ”

- Demophilus

“ Life is indeed more agreeable by alternate occupation and leisure. ”

- Demophilus
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