Quotes of David McCord - somelinesforyou

“ Books fall open, you fall in ”

- David McCord

“ Books fall open, you fall in ”

- David McCord

“ Books fall open, you fall in ”

- David McCord

“ Metaphorically these essays move as a quiet but observant coast-guard cutter among the rocks and islands up and down the littoral of our life. ”

- David McCord

“ Epitaph to a waiter: By and by God caught his eye. ”

- David McCord

“ Epitaph to a waiter: By and by God caught his eye. ”

- David McCord

“ Metaphorically these essays move as a quiet but observant coast-guard cutter among the rocks and islands up and down the littoral of our life. ”

- David McCord

“ A pedestrian is a man in danger of his life. A walker is a man in possession of his soul. ”

- David McCord

“ A pedestrian is a man in danger of his life. A walker is a man in possession of his soul. ”

- David McCord

“ Metaphorically these essays move as a quiet but observant coast-guard cutter among the rocks and islands up and down the littoral of our life. ”

- David McCord

“ Metaphorically these essays move as a quiet but observant coast-guard cutter among the rocks and islands up and down the littoral of our life. ”

- David McCord

“ Epitaph to a waiter: By and by God caught his eye. ”

- David McCord

“ Metaphorically these essays move as a quiet but observant coast-guard cutter among the rocks and islands up and down the littoral of our life. ”

- David McCord

“ Metaphorically these essays move as a quiet but observant coast-guard cutter among the rocks and islands up and down the littoral of our life. ”

- David McCord

“ Metaphorically these essays move as a quiet but observant coast-guard cutter among the rocks and islands up and down the littoral of our life. ”

- David McCord

“ A pedestrian is a man in danger of his life. A walker is a man in possession of his soul. ”

- David McCord

“ Epitaph to a waiter: By and by God caught his eye. ”

- David McCord

“ Epitaph to a waiter: By and by God caught his eye. ”

- David McCord

“ Metaphorically these essays move as a quiet but observant coast-guard cutter among the rocks and islands up and down the littoral of our life. ”

- David McCord

“ A pedestrian is a man in danger of his life. A walker is a man in possession of his soul. ”

- David McCord
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