Quotes of Danny Elfman - somelinesforyou

“ Die, die we all pass away, But don't wear a frown coz it's really okay, And you might try to hide, And you might try to pray, But we all end up remains of the day. ”

- Danny Elfman The Corpse Bride

“ It's convenient in a way, because you don't have to answer many questions: People say, 'Man, how are you feeling?' And I say, 'How do I look?' And they go, 'Oh, okay.' I've got the coffin maker calling every now and then about measurements, wanting to give me a proper fit. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ My education in film music came from watching tons of films. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ It's convenient in a way, because you don't have to answer many questions: People say, 'Man, how are you feeling?' And I say, 'How do I look?' And they go, 'Oh, okay.' I've got the coffin maker calling every now and then about measurements, wanting to give me a proper fit. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ I'll do it very quickly and spontaneously. I expect that it will be slightly strange and bizarre, but catchy at the same time. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ I'll do it very quickly and spontaneously. I expect that it will be slightly strange and bizarre, but catchy at the same time. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ My education in film music came from watching tons of films. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ For me, writing something in the spirit of Halloween is like Mother Teresa writing on charity and sacrifice. It's just second nature to me. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ My education in film music came from watching tons of films. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ It's convenient in a way, because you don't have to answer many questions: People say, 'Man, how are you feeling?' And I say, 'How do I look?' And they go, 'Oh, okay.' I've got the coffin maker calling every now and then about measurements, wanting to give me a proper fit. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ For me, writing something in the spirit of Halloween is like Mother Teresa writing on charity and sacrifice. It's just second nature to me. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ I'll do it very quickly and spontaneously. I expect that it will be slightly strange and bizarre, but catchy at the same time. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ I'll do it very quickly and spontaneously. I expect that it will be slightly strange and bizarre, but catchy at the same time. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ It's convenient in a way, because you don't have to answer many questions: People say, 'Man, how are you feeling?' And I say, 'How do I look?' And they go, 'Oh, okay.' I've got the coffin maker calling every now and then about measurements, wanting to give me a proper fit. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ I'll do it very quickly and spontaneously. I expect that it will be slightly strange and bizarre, but catchy at the same time. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ It's convenient in a way, because you don't have to answer many questions: People say, 'Man, how are you feeling?' And I say, 'How do I look?' And they go, 'Oh, okay.' I've got the coffin maker calling every now and then about measurements, wanting to give me a proper fit. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ I'll do it very quickly and spontaneously. I expect that it will be slightly strange and bizarre, but catchy at the same time. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ For me, writing something in the spirit of Halloween is like Mother Teresa writing on charity and sacrifice. It's just second nature to me. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ My education in film music came from watching tons of films. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ For me, writing something in the spirit of Halloween is like Mother Teresa writing on charity and sacrifice. It's just second nature to me. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ I'll do it very quickly and spontaneously. I expect that it will be slightly strange and bizarre, but catchy at the same time. ”

- Danny Elfman

“ It's convenient in a way, because you don't have to answer many questions: People say, 'Man, how are you feeling?' And I say, 'How do I look?' And they go, 'Oh, okay.' I've got the coffin maker calling every now and then about measurements, wanting to give me a proper fit. ”

- Danny Elfman
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