Quotes of Céline Dion - somelinesforyou

“ Life imposes things on you that you can’t control, but you still have the choice of how you’re going to live through this. ”

- Celine Dion

“ Love doesn’t ask why, speaks from the heart, and never explains. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I have records in gold, in platinum, I have two Oscars, I have Grammys and so on. ”

- Celine Dion

“ Golf is a search for perfection, for balance. It's about meditation and concentration. You have to use hand and brain. ”

- Celine Dion

“ Everything that I decide to do means something, otherwise I don't do them. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I have become a housewife and there is no better job. ”

- Celine Dion

“ Golf is a search for perfection, for balance. It's about meditation and concentration. You have to use hand and brain. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I looked in the audience. There were no strangers. Everybody was singing and cheering and hugging. That was a beautiful picture to look at. ”

- Celine Dion

“ Golf is a search for perfection, for balance. It's about meditation and concentration. You have to use hand and brain. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I often buy myself presents. Sometimes I will spend $100,000 in one day in a posh boutique. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I have records in gold, in platinum, I have two Oscars, I have Grammys and so on. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I have records in gold, in platinum, I have two Oscars, I have Grammys and so on. ”

- Celine Dion

“ There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I have records in gold, in platinum, I have two Oscars, I have Grammys and so on. ”

- Celine Dion

“ It's the moment you think you can't that you realize you can. ”

- Celine Dion

“ Golf is a search for perfection, for balance. It's about meditation and concentration. You have to use hand and brain. ”

- Celine Dion

“ It's the moment you think you can't that you realize you can. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I have records in gold, in platinum, I have two Oscars, I have Grammys and so on. ”

- Celine Dion

“ It's the moment you think you can't that you realize you can. ”

- Celine Dion

“ It's the moment you think you can't that you realize you can. ”

- Celine Dion

“ On her baby: He's 16 months old and he eats soap and paper. What's going on with kids? ”

- Celine Dion

“ I have records in gold, in platinum, I have two Oscars, I have Grammys and so on. ”

- Celine Dion

“ It's the moment you think you can't that you realize you can. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I have records in gold, in platinum, I have two Oscars, I have Grammys and so on. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I have records in gold, in platinum, I have two Oscars, I have Grammys and so on. ”

- Celine Dion

“ It's the moment you think you can't that you realize you can. ”

- Celine Dion

“ Everything that I decide to do means something, otherwise I don't do them. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I looked in the audience. There were no strangers. Everybody was singing and cheering and hugging. That was a beautiful picture to look at. ”

- Celine Dion

“ It's the moment you think you can't that you realize you can. ”

- Celine Dion

“ I have records in gold, in platinum, I have two Oscars, I have Grammys and so on. ”

- Celine Dion
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