Quotes of Curtis Hanson - somelinesforyou

“ You can dress it up, but it comes down to the fact that a movie is only as good as its script. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ I grew up in Los Angeles, and I always wanted to make a movie about Los Angeles. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ You can dress it up, but it comes down to the fact that a movie is only as good as its script. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ The shoes are a great symbol of the conflict between the sisters. Haven't we all at one time or another wanted to be in someone else's shoes? To have their advantages, their good fortune. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ I grew up in Los Angeles, and I always wanted to make a movie about Los Angeles. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ I grew up in Los Angeles, and I always wanted to make a movie about Los Angeles. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ You can dress it up, but it comes down to the fact that a movie is only as good as its script. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ Why does something that has emotion in it have to be the feminine product? ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ Self-awareness and self-esteem. Those aren't female issues, those are human issues. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ The shoes are a great symbol of the conflict between the sisters. Haven't we all at one time or another wanted to be in someone else's shoes? To have their advantages, their good fortune. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ You can dress it up, but it comes down to the fact that a movie is only as good as its script. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ The shoes are a great symbol of the conflict between the sisters. Haven't we all at one time or another wanted to be in someone else's shoes? To have their advantages, their good fortune. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ Self-awareness and self-esteem. Those aren't female issues, those are human issues. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ Self-awareness and self-esteem. Those aren't female issues, those are human issues. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ Self-awareness and self-esteem. Those aren't female issues, those are human issues. ”

- Curtis Hanson

“ The fact is that people have started to dismissively apply that term to stories that focus on women and their relationships. ”

- Curtis Hanson
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